
We, at Avari Beauty take giving back very seriously. A percentage of all sales go toward charities that protect indigenous people, animals, and the planet. Read more about them below.
Romero Institute/Lakota People's Law Project:
We focus in California and the Dakotas on local and statewide solutions to confront the global climate crisis. In partnership with frontline communities, allied organizations, and you, we oppose pipelines and other toxic infrastructure, we amplify underrepresented voices, and we seek legal and policy remedies to help protect people and planet.
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NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Through organizing, activism, philanthropy, grantmaking, capacity-building and narrative change, they are creating sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms.
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National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC)
De dicated to restoring sovereignty and safeguarding Native women and children.
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Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition (MIWSAC)
Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition is a statewide coalition, working to end sexual violence against all Native People, with a specialized focus on Native Women and children. Their membership is comprised of Advocates, survivors and others who are working to end violence in our Native Communities, and includes Native & non-Native; all genders and individuals and organizational members.
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American Indian College Fund
The American Indian College Fund invests in Native students and tribal college education to transform lives and communities.
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Reclaiming Healthy Masculinity. WICA AGLI strives to help men value their families and communities above all else. They follow indigenous principles taught to live by from a young age – and they’re what they’ve incorporated into their work to instill a new sense of accountability and civility in men of all backgrounds.
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Four Sisters Farmers Market/NACDI
Four Sisters Farmers Market is an Indigenous-centered food market, focused on both Indigenous and hyper-local foods from Phillips and surrounding neighborhoods. The market is a program of the Native American Community Development Institute (NACDI). Working with native-run farms and food producers, we will help develop a healthy, Indigenous food system that is accessible and welcoming to people in the American Indian Cultural Corridor.
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The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
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Friends Of The Earth International (FoEl)
FOEL is the world’s largest grassroots environmental network, uniting 73 national member groups and some 5,000 local activist groups on every continent. With over 2 million members and supporters around the world, they campaign on today’s most urgent environmental and social issues. They challenge the current model of economic and corporate globalization, and promote solutions that will help to create environmentally sustainable and socially just societies.
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Earth Justice
At Earthjustice, they're more than just lawyers in a courtroom. Since 1971, they have been the legal backbone for the environmental movement. They go to court for the future of our planet.
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Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservancy is on the front lines of ocean protection, investing in research, leadership and advocacy that advances science-based solutions that work.
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African Wildlife Foundation (AFW)
The African Wildlife Foundation was founded in 1961 to work for wildlife conservation, land and habitat protection, community empowerment, and economic development in Africa.
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Animal Welfare Institute
Founded in 1951, the Animal Welfare Institute works to reduce animal cruelty in many forms, such as animals being used for experimentation, cruel slaughterhouses, and the torture of fur-bearing animals via steel jaw leg-holds and wire snares. Based in Washington, D.C., this charity also strives to protect endangered species and their natural habitats, among other initiatives.
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Friends of Animals
Friends of Animals has been protecting animals throughout the world from cruelty and exploitation since 1957
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Wildlife Conservation Society
About: Wildlife Conservation Society uses its donations to help save wildlife and habitats throughout the world.
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