Can Microblading Be Removed? 10 FAQs about Microblading Answered By A Professional

Microblading is a popular semi-permanent solution for fuller and more defined eyebrows. Whether you have thinning brows and want them more voluminous or don't want to pencil them in daily, microblading is a wildly effective, low-maintenance solution. Of course, as with any semi-permanent or permanent procedure, it's essential to understand what to expect. In this blog post, we're answering 10 of the most commonly asked questions we receive about Microblading. 


Can Microblading Be Removed?

One of the most frequently searched questions about microblading is whether it can be removed or not. Of course, as styles and preferences evolve, it's important to understand microbladings reversibility. Yes, microblading can be removed or faded using specific techniques, such as laser removal, or through natural fading over time. The efficiency and success of these methods can vary based on factors like the depth of the pigment, individual skin type, and the practitioner's expertise. If you're considering removing your microblading, it's important to seek the advice of a professional. 


Can You Microblade Over a Tattoo?

Microblading over an existing tattoo requires a personalized approach and skilled expertise. The visibility and efficacy of microblading over a tattoo depend on the tattoo's age, color, and density. A thorough consultation with a professional aesthetician will help determine the feasibility and approach to microblading over a pre-existing tattoo.


When Is The Best Time To Get Microblading?

After a microblading procedure, it is important to avoid direct and prolonged exposure to UV rays. With this in mind, the best time to get microblading is typically during the fall and winter. The reduced intensity of the sun, coupled with naturally cooler weather, facilitates a more comfortable healing process.  


Post-procedure, your new brows will go through a healing process that typically involves scabbing and light shedding of the pigmented skin. The newly microbladed skin will be particularly sensitive and prone to fading when exposed to the sun. So, it's pivotal to factor in a period where you can easily avoid sunbathing, outdoor sports, or vacations in sunny locales to ensure the longevity and vibrancy of your new brows. 


How Long Does Microblading Last?

The longevity of microblading results depends on factors like skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare adherence. Generally, microblading lasts anywhere from 18 months to over 2 years, with some cases observing longevity up to 3 years. Regular touch-ups and strict adherence to aftercare instructions will significantly influence your results. 


Is Microblading Painful?

Most individuals describe microblading as having a slight discomfort rather than being outright painful. We like to offer clients a numbing cream that can be applied to the area to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Communicating openly with your aesthetician about your pain tolerance will help manage expectations and enhance comfort.


What Does Microblading Look Like When It Fades?

As microblading begins to fade, the strokes gradually lighten, often reverting to a softer and more muted version of the initial color. Depending on the original pigment used and individual skin characteristics, the faded brows might adopt a slightly different hue, such as a light brown or pinkish tint. We recommend working with your esthetician to create an optimal touch-up schedule to keep your brows looking great. 


When Can I Return To Work After Microblading?

Typically, there is no mandatory downtime following microblading, and you can return to work immediately. However, mild redness or swelling may be present initially. It's wise to schedule your appointment when you can allow a few days for any noticeable after-effects to subside, ensuring confidence as you step back into your routine.


What Is Microblading Aftercare?

Microblading aftercare is pivotal to achieving optimal results and longevity. It generally involves avoiding water exposure on the brows, steering clear of makeup and skincare products in the area, and refraining from activities that promote sweating for at least a week post-procedure. In addition, you should avoid frequent or prolonged exposure to UV rays. Adhering to detailed aftercare instructions provided by your aesthetician is crucial to achieving the best results. 


Can I Wear Makeup After Microblading?

It is recommended to avoid applying makeup directly to the microbladed area for at least one week post-procedure to prevent infection and allow the brows to heal optimally. Your aesthetician will provide detailed guidance on when and how you can safely reintegrate makeup application into your routine post-microblading.


When Do I Need A Microblading Touch-Up?

A touch-up, or 'booster' session, is usually suggested approximately 4-8 weeks after the initial procedure. This allows for any adjustments to shape, color, or density after the initial healing phase. Subsequent touch-ups can be scheduled annually to refresh and maintain the vibrancy of the brows.


Aligning with a trained and experienced professional is the best way to achieve Microblading results you are happy with. At Avari Beauty, our trained professionals are deeply committed to delivering bespoke, natural microblading results that harmonize with your unique facial structure and aesthetic preferences. We take time to discuss the shape, style, and tone that will complement your features best, to ensure that every stroke is precisely planned and executed. To schedule your Microblading appointment, click here. 

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