Why Microchanneling is The Big Thing in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation?

Why Microchanneling is Popular in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

In the past few years, Microchanneling has become the most sought after skin-care treatment. As per professionals, this skincare technique is the key to gorgeous, healthy and younger-looking skin. But what exactly is Microchanneling and how does it differ from skin- needling?  

Let’s take a look at all the misconceptions around Microchanneling to decode.


What is Microchanneling?

It is a procedure that produces a controlled wound response in the outermost layer of dead skin while forming channels that stimulate the body to repair and fill these microscopic pertusions by generating new collagen and elastin. During the process, a serum containing stem cells are introduced through the channels feeding the cells all the nutrients needed in the repairing/rebuilding process providing even more profound results. While Microchanneling sounds intense, the entire process is comfortable and absolutely safe for candidates approved for it. 

This procedure may also boost the penetration of topical serums and skincare into the skin by over 300%. The serum is also applied right after treatment to penetrate deep into the skin to give high concentrations of growth factors to improve the appearance of scar tissue and reduce the appearance of fine lines. 



What are the benefits?

This skin treatment delivers active skin care ingredients deep into the tissues of the skin than other treatments. This places skincare to work at the source - with visible results. Below are the benefits of Microchanneling:

  • Diminish fine lines and wrinkles
  • Correct uneven texture and color tone
  • Minimize the stretch mark
  • Remove Acne scars
  • Remove Traumatic and surgical scars
  • Get rid of hair loss
  • Firm and tighten loose skin

After 2 treatments of Micro-channeling (improving hair loss)


Ok, so what is Micro-Needling?

Microchanneling is mostly mistaken with micro-needling but there is a slight difference between these two beauty treatments. Micro-needling, also called dermal-rolling, works much on the same surmise. However, the needles are made of metal attached to a roller or stamp. They are used to create micro-injury to the skin to fasten the natural healing process while making it especially useful for people with scarring or skin discoloration. Microchanneling uses precise, clean channels/protrusions that cover more area with less damage.

This process is useful in curing acne while improving the scar appearance by breaking up the scar tissue and prodding the formation of new collagen and elastin. Micro-needling is also used on hyperpigmentation as it aids in shedding the uppermost layer of the skin while helping in the absorption of topical agents that can be used simultaneously to stop the emergence of new pigmentation.


Microchanneling with Avari Beauty

Micro-channeling creates targeted & controlled micro-channels within the skin, in an effort to rebuild skin elasticity, collagen, and erase hyperpigmentation. The Microchanneling procedure at Avari Beauty uses Procell for this treatment and is trained and certified by Procell to perform it utilizing their patented FDA-approved Stem Cell serum and aftercare.

We recommend a series of treatments (depending on each individual’s needs) performed once every 4 weeks, for optimum results. We also facilitate our clients with topical stem cell serums to optimize the effects of this game-changing procedure. ​For the scalp to improve hair loss, we recommend a minimum of 5 treatments, spaced out every 7-14 days. Most report results after 3-5 sessions, depending on the age of the thinning or balding. Additional treatments are needed for areas where balding has occurred for a long period. We also recommend combining this service with the LED Mask Treatment to elevate your results even more. 

Book an appointment for Microchanneling and you will experience an immediate improvement in your skin tone, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, and elasticity.  

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