Five Misconceptions about Permanent Makeup

The idea of permanent makeup is very appealing and has gained widespread acceptance recently. With these procedures and techniques, you can save the time you would have spent putting makeup on and save money on what you would be spend on lipstick, brow products, and eyeliner. Moreover, you get to look as gorgeous as you would look after a visit to the salon, even after waking up from a long night's sleep. Despite its allure and popularity, there are a lot of misconceptions and myths about these procedures. Here are five of the most common misunderstandings when it comes to permanent makeup:
It Hurts Like Hell. Well, it isn't painless but it isn't as excruciating as the rumors claim to be. Sure, we can’t say that permanent makeup is truly pain-free. It's a lot like a tattoo. There is a little sting but nothing too insufferable. For most of our clients, the slight pain is well worth the gain. We also have great numbing products in place to make this more comfortable.
It Looks Odd or Fake. Perhaps once upon a time, more than a few decades ago, permanent makeup stood out and looked a little odd. But now, the cosmetic art has benefited from the marvels of technological progress. Some procedures can have such a natural and balanced result, that most people can't exactly figure out what's changed or explain how you look so much more gorgeous than your usual self.
Permanent Makeup is Only for Women. Fewer men get permanent makeup services than women. Nevertheless, some men do get treatments and more are starting to as this industry blooms. Beauty is gender-neutral and is for everybody. Men suffer from hair loss more often than women, and this loss isn't restricted to their scalp, it can affect the brow too. Many men get procedures like microblading for a younger look. They also like scalp pigmentation to give the illusion that their bald head is a shaved one.
It’s For ‘Young’ People. Permanent makeup is for everyone. A professional artist can use their skills to create results that complement the tone and nature of your skin, regardless of age, gender or race. In fact, many people undergo permanent makeup to look as young as they used to and it is very popular among older women and men.
It’s the Same As Cosmetic Surgery. 'Surgery' is a very serious and invasive term. And permanent makeup is not at all similar or comparable to surgery. Though cosmetic surgery and cosmetic treatments fall under the same umbrella of the beauty industry, they are worlds apart and are done by very different means for very different reasons, by very different kinds of professionals. Permanent makeup has far fewer risks and complications than cosmetic surgery.
Hopefully this helps to dispel some of the common rumors about permanent makeup. There is a lot of information about some of the permanent makeup services offered on Avari Beauty’s website. For a thorough understanding and to get the best results, talk to a consultant at Avari Beauty, to know which procedure suits you best and pick the one that makes you comfortable and confident in your own skin.